Nybraaten family tree

Sigvart Martinson Sørum + Karen Helga Thorsrud

1 child

Parents Grandparents
Sigvart Martinson Sørum
Birth: March 29, 1913 27 34Søre Sørum b.nr.15 og 16 (Røvsholo), Begnadalen, Sør-Aurdal, Oppland, Norge
Death: February 13, 2003Sør-Aurdal, Oppland, Norge

Karen Helga Thorsrud
Birth: June 22, 1913Strømsmoen 74/23, Sør-Aurdal, Oppland, Norge
Death: September 4, 1999Myrvold 74/60, Sør-Aurdal, Oppland, Norge
Family group information

The details of this family are private.